Rick Paulus - The Calligrapher’s Process - Mar 7, 14, 21 & 28, 2025

This class is not hosted by John Neal Books. Please contact the instructor for more information.

Live (Also recorded for later viewing)

7,14,21 & 28 March 2025 (Friday)
23:30 pm – 01:30 am (Hong Kong Time)

Class Cost : HKD 1,170.00 or USD 150


All Skills Levels

The process of placing text on a page in a meaningful way can be a daunting leap for one who has never attempted to do so. This comprehensive studio work-shop is designed to introduce beginner and int…

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The process of placing text on a page in a meaningful way can be a daunting leap for one who has never attempted to do so. This comprehensive studio work-shop is designed to introduce beginner and intermediate calligraphers to the process of creating a finished piece. Through a series of independent assignments, Rick will gently guide you through the steps of taking your work from concept to completion using easily acquired methods and processes. Demonstrations and guided exercises will introduce the use of watercolor, gouache, masking fluid, gold leaf, and a range of papers. 

This is your opportunity to enjoy time in the virtual studio with former White House chief calligrapher, Rick Paulus, as he shares traditional methods, techniques and tricks of the trade as you move your own projects forward.

LEVEL: Beginner to intermediate. Beginners should be familiar with the use of a dip pen. Knowledge of a formal hand is helpful but not required.

The Calligrapher’s Process
Rick Paulus, Hosted By The Gentle Penman

Live (Also recorded for later viewing)

7,14,21 & 28 March 2025 (Friday)
23:30 pm – 01:30 am (Hong Kong Time)

Class Cost : HKD 1,170.00 or USD 150

Registration Link : https://www.thegentlepenman.com/the-calligraphers-process

All Skills Levels

Supply List:

Slant board/desk
- Any stiff board, measuring at least 18” x 20” (Masonite, 1⁄4” birch plywood, Gatorfoam, plexiglass, etc.) Not very expensive at Lowe’s, Home Depot, or your local hardware store. (S752)

Pen holders and nibs
- Full set of your favourite board-edge dip pen. (typically 6-8 sizes) (N01-S7, N02-S9, N04-S10A)
- Minimum of two pen holders, best to have enough for full set of nibs (6-8 holders) (H113, H133, H134)
- Oblique holder and pointed nibs, if you are so inclined. (H114, N77, N69, N113)

- Appropriate for the work that you hope to produce. For typical color mixing and pen-loading, you will want to use an old retired brush. (Paper and Ink / JNB sells a fantastic natural bristle brush for loading and mixing, for $1.) Also have on hand brushes appropriate for any painting that you have in mind for your work: fine brushes if you intend to work small and delicate; big-bold brushes if you intend to work on a large canvas or wall; or anything in between. (BR02, BR26, BR12)

- Black ink. Your favourite (Sumi Moon Palace recommended) (I70)

Gouache and Watercolor
- Small tube(s) or tablets, cakes, etc. of watercolor and gouache. I will encourage you to use plenty of color during this class, please use your judgement as to how many colors you need on hand. At a minimum, have one color in addition to the black ink you will be using. Ideally, you should have a full palette from which to work. This can become expensive, but does not have to so; four of the right color tubes/cakes will get you all the colors you will need – CMYK. (WNG1, HG749, HW100, S1000, WNWC1)

-  Your favorite workshop-grade paper. Suggest: Strathmore Bristol with vellum finish, Canson XL Mixed Media, Borden and Riley Marker layout, Bienfang Marker Layout, Canson 360, etc. Some of those are translucent, others are not. All of them have good surfaces and receive ink nicely. (P85, P2022, P09-50, P41)
-  Minimum of 1 sheet, Arches 90#, or 140# hot or cold press, or other high-quality paper of your choice on which to create completed work. (PS42, PS47, PS41, PS48)

Tracing paper
- 12” roll is preferred and most cost effective. Tracing paper pads ok. (P112, P43)

- Your favorite fine pencil or lead and sharpener. (Suggest a .05 HB lead in a mechanical pencil.) (PL38, P21)

- Clean plastic eraser or clean kneaded eraser (E13, E09)

- Metal will give you more accurate measuring and a good, straight, sharp edge (S270, S271)

- Artist tape, Frog Tape, Washi, or removable scotch tape. I recommend 1⁄2” roll but defer to your favorite. (S1676, S412, S699)

Xacto Knife
- #11 blade (The Sharp, pointed blade), or your favorite fine cutting tool (S417)

- Water container and paper towels or clean up cloths (S1005)

Text from which to work
- One short poem / passage (10-15 words) and one long poem/passage (40 – 50 words)

- T square (S753), parallel rule (S730), Triangle (S613), Scissors (S1665), protractor (S632), Extra Brushes, thin light box (S939, S1013), Saral transfer or graphite paper (S612), Gold leaf and size (S189, S892), masking fluid (S198), any favorite writing or painting tool(s) which I may have left out.

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