S892. Instacoll Yellow color.
Reggie Ezell, Harvest Crittenden, and Sheila Waters use this synthetic size for raised, mirror-finish gilding with gold leaf. They and many others have found it easier to use than traditional gesso made from slaked plaster. Yellow color allows you to see what you have applied. Per the manufacturer Instacoll has a shelf life of approx. 2 years.
Caution: Freezing adversely affects Instacoll. Those in the North or west of the Rockies should order during the warmer months.
3 Reviews
Using Instacoll
I have been using Instacoll for over 10 years. It is the best product I have found for raised gold gilding. Always the same consistency I can count on. It might take some time to learn how it reacts in different temperatures, or humidity, but overall very easy to use.
Using Instacoll
I have used Instacoll for over 10 years, I love this product. Drying times vary between 15 minutes to 2 hours depending on time of year, temperature and humidity. I use this product to do raised gold gilding and am very pleased with the results. I usually lay one layer down, let dry, then burnish over vellum paper , let dry again then do a final layer, let dry and apply gold leaf. No activator is needed if you apply the gold leaf at the right time. The activator tends to dull the gold leaf.
Decided to give Instacoll a try after using Miniatum, which I really like. Instacoll takes a bit more time to prepare but it was easy to use (I watched the JNB video of Harvest preparing it) and the result was a beautifully smooth gilding surface.