Cheryl Tefft - Decorated Letters: Victorian Virtuosity - Mar 10- 31, 2025

This class is not hosted by John Neal Books. Please contact the instructor for more information.

Live (Also recorded for later viewing)
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Eastern
Class Cost : $237.00 USD
All Skill Levels

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Elevate your calligraphy with Victorian-inspired enhancements! This class focuses on the refined details that make lettering truly shine—gold dots, elegant line work, and the charm of double-str…

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Elevate your calligraphy with Victorian-inspired enhancements! This class focuses on the refined details that make lettering truly shine—gold dots, elegant line work, and the charm of double-stroke and two-tone letters. You’ll also learn how to incorporate watercolor elements to add richness and depth to your designs. Whether you're a seasoned calligrapher or just starting out, these techniques will bring timeless beauty to your work.

Decorated Letters: Victorian Virtuosity
Cheryl Tefft
Live (Also recorded for later viewing)
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Eastern
Class Cost : $237.00 USD
All Skill Levels

Registration Contact Email:

Supply List:

General (basic) supplies:
• S270 or S271.
 Ruler, 12” or longer; metal with cork backing recommended 
• I84. Gum arabic 
• E06. Eraser 
• S412 or S931. Painter's tape or artist’s tape 
• S1005, S1685, S1694 or S1151. Container for rinse water
• Shallow container wide enough to put your big brush(es) into without squishing them. Qty: 1
• S1017. Small dropper bottles with watertight caps (ideally with one holding approx. 2-4 ounces [60-120 ml], the other about ½ -2 ounces [15-60 ml]). Qty: 2
• S853-4-Square. Jumbo Dinky Dips, or similar. Qty: one or more 4-jar sets
• Labels for your Jumbo Dinky Dips, if not already included (suggest getting plain ¾” round labels).
• S1046. Clear tape (e.g. Scotch tape). Qty: 1 roll
• S939 or S1013. Lightpad (or light box if you already have one), 9x12" or larger. Qty: 1
• Distilled water. Qty: 1 pint
• Paper towels. Qty: 1 roll
• S912. (Optional) Pen rest. Qty: 1
• S207. (Optional) Magnifier of some type (portable and hands-free), such as reading glasses, a magnifying visor, or a standing magnifier. Qty: 1
• S3010, S120-30, S1091, S1094, S2017, S679, S747, S2005, or S2006. (Optional) Palette with shallow wells; most likely only needed if you are using tube paints. Qty: 1
• S960, PL34, Pl70, PL13, PL68, PL57, PL69, PL41 or PL42. (Optional) Pencil sharpener; you might want a dedicated one for colored pencils/watercolor pencils. Qty: 1

Writing/drawing tools:
(NOTE: It is not at all necessary for students to know how use dip pens for this class; if you are not using them, omit the supply items designated as "DP only")
• PL21. Pencil. Suggested: GraphGear 500 with 0.5 mm lead. Qty: 1
• M218. Pigma Micron fine-point marker (in BLACK ink), size 01, or similar *waterproof* marker. Qty: 1
• PL32 or PL58. Watercolor pencils. Qty: 1 set or a few basic colors (red, blue, green, yellow, purple)
• FP67. Parallel Pen(s). Qty: 1-6.0 mm; 2-3.8 mm; and 1-2.4 mm.
• N04-S10. (DP only) Broad-edge dip pen nibs in an assortment of sizes: Mitchell roundhand square (right hand) brand nibs (or similar), 10-nib set, with or without reservoirs, as you prefer. Lefties, substitute left-handed nibs if needed. Qty: 1 set (or a range of sizes, at least), plus a second nib in one of the larger sizes, such as a Mitchell size 0.
• H104, H111, H112, H113, H122, H138, H63, H77, H169, or H78. (DP only) Straight penholders of your choice (NOT a crowquill holder). Qty: 2
• N77, N81, N70, or N113. (Optional: DP only) Several of your favorite pointed nibs to use IF you want to work with a script style. Qty: 2
• H133, H212, H129, H148, or H114. (Optional: DP only) Oblique penholder of your choice, IF you customarily use it for script styles and want to work with those in this class. Qty: 1
• N26. (Optional: DP only) Automatic pens, about ¾ inch wide or larger. Qty: 1
• M96, M152, M152-S, M137, M137-S, M138, or M138-S. (Optional) Gel pens of your choice. Qty: 1+
• PL28, PL28-S12, PL29, PL05, PL76, PL16, PL16-12SET, or PL77-Basic tone. (Optional) Colored pencils; if you get the watercolor pencils as required, you don’t really need these, but you might find them useful, perhaps for other colors. Qty: 1 set or a few basic colors (red, blue, green, yellow, purple)
• FP134, FP134-S, M87, N11, N11-S6, N27-SCROLL or N28. (Optional) Scroll nibs/pens of your choice:
• (Optional) Scroll nibs for cartridge pens or markers; two options: (1) Scroll Parallel Pens (FP134 or FP134-S); if you only get one scroll pen/nib, get one of these in the 3.8 or 6.0 size. (2) Zig scroll marker (M87).
• (Optional, DP only) Scroll nibs, dip pen style; also two options: (1) Mitchell brand scroll nibs (small sizes) (N11 or N11-S6). (2) Automatic brand scroll pens, available in several (larger) sizes: (N27-SCROLL or N28)

• S1000. Coliro (a.k.a. FineTec) watercolor paint, Arabic Gold color (or similar) *required*. Other metallic colors optional. Qty: 1 pan.
• S2013, S1660, S959, S3041, S609, FP107, S1032 [12-A or 36-color set], or S808. Watercolor paints, assorted non-metallic colors of your choice (a basic pan set of watercolors is fine; you may substitute tube watercolors if you prefer). Qty: 1 set
• FP69 or FP70. Ink cartridges for Parallel Pen (you can substitute another kind of suitable ink). Qty: 1+ cartridge in a bright color, and 1 cartridge of black ink.
• (Optional; DP only) Your choice of inks for dip pens (gouache, walnut ink, stick ink, etc.).
• S1113. (Optional) Storage case for the Coliro Arabic Gold paint (recommended if you buy it as an individual pan of paint [refill]). Qty: 1

• BR104, BR49, or BR80. Small round (pointed) brush, size 0 or smaller. Size 000 (a.k.a. 3/0) suggested. Qty: 1
• BR02. Small-ish flat brushes primarily for mixing and loading ink/paint; inexpensive rough-haired flat brushes about ¼" wide are ideal. Qty: at least 2 (at least 4 if you are using dip pens).
• BR64. Large foam brush or inexpensive large flat brush (1” to 4" wider), for watercolor washes. Qty: 1

• P22, P56, P55, P21, P38, or P80. Grid paper, non-bleeding; letter-size/A4 paper or larger. Rhodia brand is a favorite. Qty: 1 pad
• PS42, PS47, PA42, PS115, PS01, PA03, PS120, PA110, PS110, PS89, or PA26. Watercolor paper of your choice, white or off-white, fairly smooth and non-bleeding (get Hot Press rather than Cold Press or Rough Press if you have the option). Medium weight (about 140#) is suggested but not required. Qty: At least one full-sized large sheet, or about 10 sheets of approximately letter size.
Some suggested watercolor papers are:
• Arches Hot Press, 90# or 140#; an all-purpose favorite (PS42, PS47 or PA42)
• Fabriano Artistico Hot Press, 140#; another all-purpose favorite (PS115)
• Arches Text Wove; first choice for all drawing and painting projects but not for calligraphy (PS01 or PA03)
• Lanaquarelle Hot Press, 140# (PS120)
• Stonehenge Aqua Hot Press, 140# (PA110)
• Stonehenge Hot Press (PS110)
• Strathmore 500 Series Drawing Paper (PS89)
• Strathmore 500 Series Watercolor Paper, 140# (PA26)
• PA101. (Optional) Fine art paper sample sheet pack. If you don’t already have definite favorites in watercolor paper, highly recommend getting this sampler pack for testing. Qty: 1
• (Optional) Watercolor paper in different colors/types of your choice. Qty: A few letter-size sheets
• P09-50, P32 or P203. (Optional) Layout bond paper or layout marker paper, letter-size or larger. Qty: about 10 sheets

• Sponge, any size; irregular natural type is preferable. Qty: 1

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