Cheryl Tefft - A Vine Line: Borders, Blooms, and Twisting Tendrils - Mar 5 - Apr 9, 2025
If you've ever despaired because your vines look like spaghetti or your flowers seem to have the flu, help is here! Are you ready to learn to draw vines that SHINE? Here's your chance! In this beginne…
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A Vine Line: Borders, Blooms, and Twisting Tendrils
Cheryl Tefft
Supply List:
General (basic) supplies:
• S270 or S271. Ruler, 12” or longer; metal with cork backing recommended Qty 1
• E22. Small (precision) eraser Qty 1
• E06. Eraser Qty 1
• S412 or S931. Painter's tape or artist’s tape Qty 1 roll
• S1005, S1685, S1694 or S1151. Container for rinse water Qty 1
• I84. Gum arabic; liquid type recommended. Qty: 1 bottle
• S1017. Small dropper bottles with watertight caps (ideally with one holding approx. 2-4 ounces [60-120 ml], the other about ½ -2 ounces [15-60 ml]). Qty: 2
• S853-4-Square. Jumbo Dinky Dips, or similar. Qty: one or more 4-jar sets
• Labels for your Jumbo Dinky Dips, if not already included (suggest getting plain ¾” round labels).
• S1046. Clear tape (e.g. Scotch tape). Qty: 1 roll
• S939 or S1013. Lightpad (or light box if you already have one), 9x12" or larger. Qty: 1
• Distilled water. Qty: 1 pint
• Paper towels. Qty: 1 roll
• S912. (Optional) Pen rest. Qty: 1
• S207. (Optional) Magnifier of some type (portable and hands-free), such as reading glasses, a magnifying visor, or a standing magnifier. Qty: 1
• S3010, S120-30, S1091, S1094, S2017, S679, S747, S2005, or S2006. (Optional) Palette with shallow wells; most likely only needed if you are using tube paints. Qty: 1
• S960, PL34, Pl70, PL13, PL68, PL57, PL69, PL41 or PL42. (Optional) Pencil sharpener; you might want a dedicated one for colored pencils/watercolor pencils. Qty: 1
Writing/drawing/embossing tools:
• PL21. Pencil. Suggested: GraphGear 500 with 0.5 mm lead. Qty: 1
• M218. Pigma Micron fine-point marker (in BLACK ink), size 01, or similar *waterproof* marker. Qty: 2
• PL28, PL28-S12, PL29, PL05, PL76, PL16, PL16-12SET, PL77-Basic tone, PL32 or PL58. Colored pencils and/or watercolor pencils. Qty: 1 set or a few basic colors (red, blue, green, yellow, purple)
• S1038. Embossing tool (a.k.a. Stylus)—Need ball ends of approximately 1.8 mm *and* 3.0 mm. Qty: 1
• FP67. Parallel Pen(s) of your choice (or similar), at least one in 3.8 mm size or larger (other sizes optional). Qty: 1
• S1061. (Optional but highly recommended) Ruling pen (traditional type recommended, not folded). Qty: 1
• M96, M152, M152-S, M137, M137-S, M138, or M138-S. (Optional) Gel pens of your choice. Qty: 1+
• S781. (Optional) Paper blender stumps. Qty: 1
• S1000. Coliro (a.k.a. FineTec) watercolor paint, Arabic Gold color (or similar) *required*. Other metallic colors optional. Qty: 1 pan.
• S2013, S1660, S959, S3041, S609, FP107, S1032 [12-A or 36-color set], or S808. Watercolor paints, assorted non-metallic colors (a basic pan set of watercolors is fine; you may substitute tube watercolors if you prefer). Colors suitable for flowers and leaves will be most useful. Qty: 1 set
• FP69 or FP70. Ink cartridges for Parallel Pen, color(s) of your choice (you can substitute another kind of suitable ink). Qty: 1+ cartridge
• WNG. (Optional) Gouache, Winsor Newton or similar brand, in colors of your choice. You can strictly stick to watercolor in this class if you prefer, or if you like, you can branch out into gouache for a slightly different look. Qty: 1+ colors
• S1113. (Optional) Storage case for the Coliro Arabic Gold paint (recommended if you buy it as an individual pan of paint [refill]). Qty: 1
• BR104, BR49, or BR80. Small round (pointed) brush, size 0 or smaller. Size 000 (a.k.a. 3/0) suggested. Qty: 1
• BR02. Small-ish flat brushes primarily for mixing and loading ink/paint; inexpensive rough-haired flat brushes about ¼" wide are ideal. Get at least 4.
• P22, P56, P55, P21, P38, or P80. Grid paper, non-bleeding; letter-size/A4 paper or larger. Rhodia brand is a favorite. Qty: 1 pad
• PS42, PS47, PA42, PS115, PS01, PA03, PS120, PA110, PS110, PS89, or PA26. Watercolor paper of your choice, white or off-white, fairly smooth and non-bleeding (get Hot Press rather than Cold Press or Rough Press if you have the option). Medium weight (about 140#) is suggested but not required. Qty: At least one full-sized large sheet, or about 20 sheets of approximately letter size.
Some suggested watercolor papers are:
• Arches Hot Press, 90# or 140#; an all-purpose favorite (PS42, PS47 or PA42)
• Fabriano Artistico Hot Press, 140#; another all-purpose favorite (PS115)
• Arches Text Wove; first choice for all drawing and painting projects but not for calligraphy (PS01 or PA03)
• Lanaquarelle Hot Press, 140# (PS120)
• Stonehenge Aqua Hot Press, 140# (PA110)
• Stonehenge Hot Press (PS110)
• Strathmore 500 Series Drawing Paper (PS89)
• Strathmore 500 Series Watercolor Paper, 140# (PA26)
• PA101. (Optional) Fine art paper sample sheet pack. If you don’t already have definite favorites in watercolor paper, highly recommend getting this sampler pack for testing. Qty: 1
• (Optional) Watercolor paper in different colors/types—ideally types you’re already comfortable with but in black or other colors, or papers that have rougher or more interesting textures (such as cold-press or rough-press versions of other watercolor papers)
• P09-50, P32 or P203. (Optional) Layout bond paper or layout marker paper, letter-size or larger. Qty: about 10 sheets
Reference Books:
• B4090. (Optional) Decorated Lettering, by Jan Pickett, has lots of modern (and modernized traditional) lettering/decoration techniques to explore. Qty: 1
• B4145. (Optional) Illuminated Letters Sketchbook, by Jane Sullivan--a delightful collection of somewhat modernized versions of traditional decorated letters. Qty: 1
• B3780. (Optional) Illuminating the Word: The Making of the Saint John’s Bible, by Christopher Calderhead. This is a documentary of the creation of the Saint John’s Bible, which is one of the most amazing calligraphy projects which have been created in recent memory, and I believe anyone interested in calligraphy and/or illumination would benefit from studying it. It takes a thoroughly contemporary approach to illumination which is still firmly grounded in the best aspects of traditional methods. Qty: 1
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