Sherrie Lovler - Making It Your Daily Practice: Inspired by Dick Beasley - Apr 18, 25; May 2, 9
The next module of 4 classes will be lessons inspired by my teacher, Dick Beasley (1934–1992). I studied with him in the late 1980s and have kept his lessons near and dear to my heart. His brigh…
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Supply List:
WNG2. WN Gouache Permanent Green (484)
WNG1. WN Gouache Ultramarine Blue (660)
WNG2. WN Gouache Light Purple (360)
WNG1. WN Gouache Spectrum Red (623)
WNG1. WN Gouache Primary Yellow (527)
WNG1. WN Gouache Permanent White (512)
WNG1. WN Gouache Ivory Black (331)
BR30 or BR26. pointed brushes size 1 and 4, or use what you have
BR43. Flat White Bristle Mixing brushes, qty 2
S679. Palette for paint with 6-10 wells
S1005 or S1151. Containers for water, qty 2 or 3
S270. Ruler
PL38. Pencils (2H and 2B), 1 each
M17. Pigma micron pen, size 01, black
Popsicle sticks, wooden coffee stirrers, pieces of wood veneer
Shop Supplies for this class: